Delaware Community Foundation announces the Focus Grants – U.S.
Deadline: 12-Feb-21
The Delaware Community Foundation launched a new opportunity as part of its overall community impact grants. Focus Grants will support organizations and initiatives working to build opportunity so all Delaware residents can overcome barriers to success, benefit equitably and thrive.
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Focus Areas
Youth Success
Strategy: Invest in enabling at-risk, traditionally disadvantaged youth (birth to age 24) to advance their personal development and resiliency, civic engagement, physical and mental health, educational readiness and achievement from birth to post-secondary. The DCF will support programs and initiatives throughout Delaware that:
Expand access to and quality of early education in local communities.
Expand and strengthen out-of-school learning opportunities, with an emphasis on projects that serve middle and high school youth.
Encourage civic engagement and participation of Delaware’s middle and high school youth.
Identify and eliminate barriers to postsecondary access and success for our target population.
Strengthen pathways from education and training to employment.
Thriving Latino Communities
Strategy: Invest in enabling Delaware’s Latino families and residents to thrive, through expanded educational and community supports and building capacity and collaboration of service providers and resources in local communities. The DCF will support programs and initiatives in Sussex County that:
Expand access to and quality of English learner programs for youth and their families.
Expand programs that connect families to affordable housing.
Lower financial barriers to basic needs beyond housing, including food security, transportation, and health care.
Improve financial literacy.
Encourage civic engagement of Latino families and youth.
Promote efforts for Latino youth to feel connected to – and engaged in – their communities.
Develop local infrastructure that improves economic opportunity and quality of life for our target population (e.g. broadband access, clean energy or bike/pedestrian transportation).
Expand access to arts and multi-cultural opportunities for all residents.
Leadership in Community
Strategy: Significantly increase leader-of-color-led organizations amongst DCF grantees, support community-driven change, and provide capacity-building funding to support current and next-generation leaders’ long-term success. The DCF will support programs and initiatives throughout Delaware that:
Build the capacity (e.g., skill-building, training, and mentorship) of existing, new, and emerging leaders of color.
Build the capacity (e.g. skill building for board, staff, or volunteers; improving financial management) of nonprofit organizations that serve communities of color.
Support grassroots organizing and advocacy efforts that aim to change policies and practices that negatively impact people of color, because of their race or ethnicity.
Alleviate the impact of race-based discrimination and disparities.
Improve economic well-being for people of color, such as increasing access to employment opportunities or access to education and professional development.
Prepare and empower communities to participate in decision-making processes.
Funding Information
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Commandez MaintenantAwards will range from $10,000 to $25,000.
Eligibility Criteria
USD 1 MILLION Grants for Innovative Solutions to combat Water Scarcity
Climate Fund to alleviate energy poverty in Developing Countries
This Request for Applications is open to strengthening the Economic Development Efforts
Grants for African CSOs to implement activities in SGBV, SRHR, HP, and VAWG
Small Research Grants for the improvement of education
This grant-making trust inviting Charities to help Socially Disadvantaged Groups during COVID-19
Support available for NGOs working on social innovation, inclusiveness and sustainability
Advocacy grants to strengthen the voice of communities and grassroots activists
USD $250,000 to $2 million funding available for each selected partner to address Covid-19 impact in select countries
Funding provided through capital support for community development projects
Endowment Funding of € 25,000 for young people fighting for freedom
Small Grant Fund for protecting endangered animal species
Grant program for transforming women’s lives for hard to fund projects
Seed Funding for Youth-led Organisations: Invitation to Submit Proposals
Grant Opportunity to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and Future Pandemics
Agencies receiving DCF grants must serve the state of Delaware and its residents without discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, disability, national origin or sexual orientation.
The Foundation does not support:
Non-501(c)3 nonprofit organizations;
Purchase of office equipment, furniture or electronics;
Sports clubs, leagues or facilities;
Educational institutions;
Purchase of vehicles (i.e. mobile machines that transport people or cargo);
Religious organizations for sectarian purposes (However, projects that serve the entire community, regardless of religious affiliation, are eligible for support.);
Annual fundraising campaigns or general operating expenses;
Projects completed before June of the current year;
Special events;
Debt reduction.
For more information, visit