UNICEF recruits 01 International Consultancy

UNICEF recruits 01 International Consultancy

International Consultancy, skills Gap Analysis for UNICEF MALI (1 month)
Job Number: 525515 | Vacancy Link
Locations: Africa: Mali
Work Type : Consultancy
UNICEF Mali is working on the development of its new country programme (2020 – 2024). To allow the country office to deliver results for children in a more efficient and effective manner, staff must be well equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge and competencies to perform their duties. UNICEF, through its staff, needs to be strategically placed to respond and align itself to the dynamic changes arising from macro environmental factors prevailing in the country, and be able to respond to the emerging issues affecting women and children. Whilst UNICEF is fully supportive of staff training and development initiatives, it is important that this be focused, structured and relevant so that the efforts fully benefit both individual staff and the country programme.
The assessment of existing staff capacity and the skills gap analysis for the new CP cycle from January 2020 onward will allow Mali CO  to gauge staff knowledge and skills in specific technical and competency areas deemed critical for the achievement of the country programme goals and objectives. This process will capitalize on Mali Country Office Learning and Training Plan achievements for the previous CP cycle and take into account the skills acquired by staff with a focus on the development of a new learning strategy for the next programme cycle. The process is thus timed so that it will provide the office management with a clear picture of current staff capacity as well as inform Mali CO learning and development strategy, in addition to providing a road map for the subsequent staffing profile and skills set required to support the new CPMP (Country programme Management Plan).
Under the overall guidance of the Deputy Representative, Operations, the consultant will work with the HR Manager, in close collaboration with the local Learning and Training Committee (LTC) and will organize consultations with each section to determine the current skills profile in the office.  The initial phase of the skills development assessment will consist in a desk review of relevant documents including Mali country office PBR submissions for the previous cycle and the office learning and training plans & reports.
In the second phase, the consultant will review the drafts of the new Country Programme Document (CPD) and Programme strategy notes), and its objectives including the results matrix for the achievement of targets. The consultant will evaluate the gaps between the required Skill sets and current staff capacity and will recommend strategies to bridge the identified gaps.
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
Part one of the assignment will be two-fold: (i) Analyze the current and previous office learning and training  plans (2018 & 2019) against the office Annual Management Plan  (2018 & 2019 AMP) (ii) Review the previous office PBR submissions and highlight possible trends
Part two of the exercise will be to analyze the CP results structure to be proposed in October 2019 and conduct a capacity/skills and competencies analysis to ascertain the types of skills and competencies required to ensure that the results of the new country programme will  be achieved
Recommend key elements of the office learning and training strategy for the next programme cycle  (2020 – 2024)
Propose the work methodology and logical sequences that focus on how staffs’ skills, knowledge and competencies can be best upgraded within the unique context of Mali. The HR Manager should work closely with the consultant in developing the technical skills profile for each Section.
The consultant should deliver a final report outlining the skills development strategy for Mali country office. The report should highlight the findings of the review of the current and previous office learning and learning plans and propose an outline of the possible learning strategy and skills profile for key roles in Mali country office.
The Consultant’s key deliverables are as follow:
Detailed assessment of the office learning and training plans for the previous programme cycle, highlighting strengths and weaknesses
Data base / Matrix summarizing Mali country office Competency and Skills gap profile
Recommendations for the office learning strategy for the new country programme (2020 2024)
The consultancy assignment will be completed in 3 stages (total of 25 working days):
Home-based: initial desk review: 26 – 30 August 2019 (5 working days)
On-site work: 2nd – 20   September 2019 (15 working days)
Home-based :23 – 27 September 2019 :  final report and recommendations (5 working days)
Consultancy duration: 26 August – 27 September 2019
Advanced university degree or equivalent backgrounds, in Human Resources, Business Administration, International Relations, Social Sciences, Psychology or related areas.
Professional experience
Eight years of relevant professional work experience in Organizational Development and Human Resources Planning and Management. Proven experience in training and development as well as coaching, with interventions focusing on alignment to strategic direction and objectives will be an added advantage. Working experience with the UN will be considered as an asset.
Drive for Results
Working with people
Applying Technical Expertise
Language requirements
Proficiency (written and oral) in French and English required.
WORKSPACE (including facilities to be provided by the office e.g. computer, other equipments)
Work space to be provided to the consultant during the on-site stage of the assignment
CONTRACT  DIRECT SUPERVISOR  (including frequency of performance reviews which should be recorded in writing in the performance evaluation report)
The consultant will be supervised by the Deputy Representative, Operations. However, the day-to-day interactions will be facilitated by the HR Manager or his OIC.
An international travel may be required in this consultant assignment
Documents to be submitted:
Application letter
Technical offer, including work methodology
All-inclusive financial offer including: 1) Consultant fee; 2) Return airfare to Bamako for the on-site work; 3) Per diem and Miscellaneous costs
Closing Date Wed Aug 14 2019 00:55:00 GMT+0100 (Afr. centrale Ouest)
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