EnCompass LLC recruits 01 Data Analyst

EnCompass LLC recruits 01 Data Analyst

EnCompass seeks Data Analyst candidates for an anticipated five-year United States Agency for International Development (USAID) monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) support activity to be based in Dakar, Senegal. It is anticipated this project will provide support to Burkina Faso, Chad, the Gambia, Mauritania, Niger, and potentially other countries within West Africa.

MRCS will provide USAID/Sahel Regional Office with research, performance measurement and management support activities such as monitoring and evaluation (M&E) design, program evaluation design and implementation, sectoral assessments, surveys, special studies and target setting. This contract would improve performance management at all levels to help the Sahel Regional Office meet Agency requirements, make better informed strategic and management decisions, and advance Agency learning.

The Data Analyst will report to the Senior Evaluation Specialist and will be responsible for reviewing project data into insightful information and learnings that can be used to influence activity-level decision making. S/he will be responsible for cleaning, processing, and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data and lead all data management protocols including documentation and storage processes.

Position Duties and Responsibilities

Essential functions

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Position Requirements

Academic Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in mathematics, statistics, information technology, MIS or a similar field; Master’s degree an asset

Experience and Skills

  • Minimum of five (3) years of experience in managing both qualitative and quantitative data sets, preferably in donor-funded related activities
  • Previous experience working in USAID-funded programs preferred
  • High-level working proficiency in both English and French

Closing date: 18 February 2021

Pour postuler à ce poste veuillez visiter www.devex.com.

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